Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fitness Update

I just got done working out on my trusty treadmill.

2.0 miles.  It said I burned 260.8 calories.  I had the settings ranging from 3.0 - 6.2.  I'm dripping sweat down my face and back.  I decided to watch an episode of Nature's Deadliest while I worked out.  That said, that works better when I'm walking.  From now on when I'm jogging/running I want music on.

Yesterday I went for a walk from my parent's house to the lake.  It's roughly 3.0 miles round trip.  It was enjoyable.  I went with Sammy, Sarah, and my parent's dog Dante.  :)

On Thursday I walked from my house to the railroad tracks (along them) and river.  I was with Maddie & Sammy.  We did about four miles.  Oh!  Aaaand when we were at Boy Scout Landing, I jogged up the giant hill there.  It sucked, but I wanted something active.

I already mentioned last Wednesday's workout.

Today and yesterday's workouts have a lot to contend with though.  I consumed so freaking much sugar at my parent's house.  Damn you chocolate Easter bunnies...and you know, my lack of self control.

I want a pedometer.

Fitness this week?  Along with working out, I need to cancel my Anytime Fitness membership and start one at the gym at my work.  :)


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